Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Today’s World Classics class was my favorite class of the term.  I really enjoyed our circle discussion of poems that we the students brought to class.  The poems that the students brought to class were really great and all had their own special meaning, covering a wide range of topics.  The poem “If” is a poem I considered bringing to class but luckily I did not because other students had brought the same poem and after the discussion the poem meant way more to them than to me.  It was nice to hear poems that had meaning to individuals in the class and the stories behind the poems.  These stories really helped me to relate to my fellow classmates and it was nice to be able to discuss poems that we picked to read rather than assigned readings.  I was especially impressed by the people in the class who brought their own works to share with the class.  Not only were the poems excellent but it was nice to be able to get the back story on why they wrote the poem and where they were at in their life when they wrote the work.  I was surprised by the quality and the depth of the poems written by my fellow students, and I applaud the students for having the courage to read their own work to a group of people they barely know.  I, personally, could not image reading my own work to a group especially on such touching topics like love, loneliness, and the death of a family member.  But, I am grateful for being able to hear so many excellent poems today, whether from published poets or original works from my fellow classmates.

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